• What is CDNs and What should I choose?

    نشر بواسطة Dunya Alzahrani في سبتمبر 25, 2024 في 1:07 ص

    Have you ever thought which #CDNs is suitable for you and your business!!

    Let’s clarify it to recognize it well..

    It is a group of #services distributed globally to deliver #WEB content to #USERS based on #location.

    To make it simple> loading a #website may cause in making hundreds of #REQUESTS, this may cause a slowdown.

    With #CDNs, Files is distributed through these global #servers, these servers is strategically placed #close to users to make fast load time.

    There are types of #CDNs ,you may decide which one would you like to use and suite you.

    1-PULL CDN:
    It brings the content from the server when user request it, then catche it for future request. It is easy to set up and fantastic in delivering static content.
    You keep the original file in the server, then CDN handle the rest by pulling the files from your server and saving copy on their servers. HTML is loaded from your original #URL and the file is loaded from different domain or subdomains.

    2-PUSH CDN:
    Files are firstly uploaded to the CDN storage, CDN edge servers then pull the content from the storage when user request it. This means user can get content directly from the distributed servers. <The advantage of this is when deleting the original file, the file is deleted from original #server= reducing server costs>. This type is useful when using huge number of files especially videos files.
    #HTML is loaded from your original #URL and the file is loaded from different domain or subdomains.

    #Bunny & #KeyCDN are great for #PULL CDNs.

    (You can use some additions that can automate the uploading process delete files from your #Wordpress uploads. )

    #AmazonAWS & #Digitalocean are great for #PUSH CDNs.

    3-PROXY CDNs:
    It works as intermediary between User & Original servers. Intercepts requests delivering content if available or fetchen it from serve.
    Unlike Pull & Push CDNs which use
    separate #domain or #subdomain for CDNs. Proxy CDNs does not require separate domain (your site domain acts as CDNs URL because it functions as #PROXY. ) = that is why proxy CDNs can catch #HTML pages whereas PULL&PUSH can only catch Static files.

    Proxy CDNs provide added SECURITY features like DDOS protection, Web application FIREWALLS, ANALYTICS, BOT CONTROL, RATE LIMITING.) because all requests first hit the cloud CDNs and No one can access your server directly. It has great performance and security.

    Setting up proxy CDNs may be complicated (changing Domain name server or DNS records)

    #CLOUDFLARE is an example for proxy CDNs. It will not catch HTML pages by default, it only catches static files, you need APO added-on to catch it.

    #FlyingCDN offering great catching strategies networking & can handling image compression & more.

    So, which #CDNs would you choose for your #business!! Tell me in comments

    Dunya Alzahrani قام بالرد منذ 1 أسبوع, 3 أيام 1 عضو · 0 ردود
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