• مصطلحات مهمة جدا للمعرفة وايضا للاختبار

      CIA – Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability

      IDS – Intrusion Detection System

      IPS – Intrusion Prevention System

      WAF – Web Application Firewall

      PII – Personal Identifiable Information

      DoS – Denial of Service

      DDoS – Distributed Denial of Service

      DNS – Domain Name System

      ZTA – Zero Trust Architecture

      NAT – Network Address Translation

      CTF – Capture the Flag

      ACL – Access Control List

      CDN – Content Delivery Network

      CVE – Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures

      RAT – Remote Access Trojan

      APT – Advanced Persistent Threat

      ATP – Advanced Threat Protection

      SSO – Single Sign-on

      URL – Uniform Resource Locator

      TLS – Transport Layer Security

      ARP – Address Resolution Protocol

      RDP – Remote Desktop Protocol

      FTP – File Transfer Protocol

      SFTP – Secure File Transfer Protocol

      HTTP – Hypertext Transfer Protocol

      HTTPS – Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure

      LDAP – Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

      MFA – Multi-factor Authentication

      IAM – Identity and Access Management

      SIEM – Security Information and Event Management

      SAM – Security Account Manager

      MDM – Mobile Device Management

      XXS – Cross Site Scripting

      XSRF – Cross Site Request Forgery

      DRaaS – Disaster Recovery as a Service

      DLP – Data Loss Prevention

      TCP – Transmission Control Protocol

      SNMP – Simple Network Management Protocol

      L2TP – Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol

      SOC – Security Operations Center

      EDR – Endpoint Detection and Response

      MDR – Managed Detection and Response

      KMS – Key Management Service

      TOR – The Onion Router

      UEBA – User and Entity Behavior Analytics

      UEFI – Unified Extensible Firmware Interface

      RFI – Remote File Inclusion

      SSID – Service Set Identifier

      LAN – Local Area Network

      WAN – Wide Area Network

      VLAN – Virtual Local Area Network

      PGP – Pretty Good Privacy

      MiTM – Man in the Middle Attack

      CA – Certificate Authority

      MAC – Mandatory Access Control

      PUA – Potential Unwanted Application

      ECDH – Elliptic Curve Deffie-Hellman

      BYOD – Bring Your Own Device

      GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation

      ADFS – Active Directory Federation Service

      EPP – Endpoint Protection Platform

      DMARC – Domain Based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance

      UAC – User Account Control

      CLI – Command Line Interface

      Alaa khalafallah, Murad و 15 آخرون
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