• صورة الملف الشخصي لـ Ahmed Aboutahra

      قام Ahmed Aboutahra بنشر تحديث

      منذ أسبوع

      What is the difference between malware, a virus, and a threat?


      Virus :


      – Definition ⇒ A specific type of (malware) that attaches itself to legitimate files or programs to replicate and spread.


      – Behavior :

      Activation ⇒ Requires execution of the infected file or program.

      Replication ⇒ Spreads by attaching to other files or programs.

      Damage ⇒ Can delete files,

      ⇒ corrupt data,

      ⇒ or make systems inoperable.


      – Examples :

      ILOVEYOU Virus ⇒ Spread via email attachments, causing widespread damage ⇒ by overwriting files.

      Melissa Virus ⇒ Propagated through infected Word documents

      ⇒ leading to email system disruptions.


      malicious software (Malware) :


      – Definition ⇒ Any software intentionally designed to cause harm to a computer system, network, or data.


      – Types :

      Viruses ⇒ Require a (host file) to replicate.

      Worms ⇒ (Self-replicate) and spread without needing a host file.

      Trojans ⇒ (Disguise) themselves as legitimate software ⇒ to gain access.

      Ransomware ⇒ (Encrypts) files and demands ransom for decryption.

      Spyware ⇒ (Monitors) user activity (without consent).

      Adware ⇒ (Displays) unwanted ads and can track user behavior.

      Rootkits ⇒ (Hide their presence) ⇒ to maintain unauthorized access.

      Keyloggers ⇒ (Record keystrokes) ⇒ to capture sensitive information.


      Threat :


      – Definition ⇒ Any potential danger or risk that could exploit a vulnerability to cause harm to a system or data.


      – Types :

      Cyber Threats ⇒ Include malware, hacking attempts, phishing scams, etc.

      Physical Threats ⇒ Hardware theft, physical damage, etc.

      Human Threats ⇒ Insider threats, social engineering, etc.

      – Examples :

      Phishing ⇒ Attempt to trick users into revealing sensitive information.

      Exploits ⇒ Using known vulnerabilities in software to gain unauthorized access.


      Summary :


      ⇒ Malware ⇒ General term for malicious software.

      ⇒ Virus ⇒ (Specific type of malware) that requires a host file to spread and replicate.

      ⇒ Threat ⇒ Broader concept referring to any potential risk, which may (include malware, viruses, and other security risks).

      mohd khaleel, Amr Abdel Hamide و 7 آخرون
      1 تعليق