• صورة الملف الشخصي لـ Ahmed Yasser Sharabiaa

      قام Ahmed Yasser Sharabiaa بنشر تحديث

      منذ أسبوع

      difference between IDS and IPS in cyber security❤️👨‍💻

      Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) and Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS) are both crucial for network security, but they serve different roles:

      Intrusion Detection System (IDS):
      – Purpose**: IDS monitors network traffic for suspicious activity and potential threats.
      – Function**: It analyzes traffic patterns and detects signs of potential attacks or breaches.
      – Response**: IDS generates alerts or logs when it detects suspicious activities. It does not take direct action to stop the threat.
      – Types:
      – Network-based IDS (NIDS): Monitors network traffic across multiple devices.
      – Host-based IDS (HIDS): Monitors individual devices or hosts.
      – Use Case**: Useful for detecting and analyzing threats, and for providing insights into security incidents. It’s often used in conjunction with other security measures.

      Intrusion Prevention System (IPS):
      – Purpose: IPS not only detects threats but also actively takes action to prevent or mitigate them.
      – Function: It inspects network traffic in real-time and can block, reject, or drop malicious packets or sessions based on predefined rules or signatures.
      – Response: IPS can automatically take corrective actions, such as blocking traffic from an offending IP address or stopping an attack.
      – Types:
      – Network-based IPS (NIPS): Protects network infrastructure by analyzing traffic and preventing threats.
      – Host-based IPS (HIPS): Protects individual systems or endpoints.
      – Use Case: Ideal for environments where automated threat prevention is crucial. It provides proactive defense by stopping attacks before they can cause harm.

      .Key Differences:
      1. Functionality:
      – IDS: Detects and alerts but does not take action to stop threats.
      – IPS: Detects and actively prevents or mitigates threats.

      2. Response:
      – IDS: Provides logs and alerts for further investigation.
      – IPS: Automatically blocks or modifies traffic to prevent attacks.

      3. Deployment:
      – IDS: Often deployed to monitor and analyze network traffic, complementing other security systems.
      -IPS: Integrated into the network to actively enforce security policies and prevent breaches.

      KHALED yasser, ahmad hassoun و 6 آخرون
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